• n°29 The European Dream
  • n°28 Wearing out the World
  • n°27 The Twenty-First-Century Polis
  • n°26 Knowledge, critical condition
  • n°25 Architecture in Representations
  • n°24 Public Space
  • n°23 Dealing with the Market
  • n°22 Beauty and Ugliness
  • n°21 The Modern Elan
  • n°20 The Inhabited Silence of Houses
  • n°19 The Space of Time
  • n°18 Silence of light, world conversation
  • n°17 Theory and Project
  • n°16
  • n°15
  • n°14
  • n°13
  • n°12
  • n°11
  • n°10
  • n°9
  • n°8
  • n°7
  • n°6
  • n°5
  • n°4
  • n°3
  • n°2
  • n°1

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…and including the debates on architecture and urban planning that arc taking place today in ancient capitals like Rome (Francesco Garofalo) and less ancient ones like Berlin (Gaëlle Pinson). Whether they are attempting to set forth perspectives or concepts to grasp the present-day reality more readily, or to meditate on their absence, or on the contrary to expose the blindness of certain projects to that reality, these four essays taken together touch on the essential themes common to the debate on the architecture of cities in Europe and elsewhere today.

As for photography, which is the instrument of investigation


…any regard for the contingencies of the site, nor for the realities of the local situation they modify or produce. Admittedly, the investigation of built environments requires a level of commitment and investment which is not always available to professional journals constrained by their remit or their market to keep abreast of the agenda set by a given kind of “actuality.” Even when they do “go on location,these publications rarely have the time or the means to convey any point of view other than those of the architect and his client – which is better than nothing. Meanwhile, the


Organismes institutionnels



Ministère de la culture



Organisations professionnelles Anah.com : agence nationale pour l’amélioration de l’habitat



Conseil national de l’ordre



Fédération nationale des CAUE


Organisations professionnelles internationales


Union Internationale des Architectes



Autriche BAIK (Bundes-Architekten un Ingenieurkammer)

E-mail : office@arching.at Danemark DAL/AA (Danske Arkitekters Landsforbund Akademisk Arkitekforening)


Espagne Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de Espana


Finlande SAFA (Suomen Arkkitehtiliitto Finlands

From the editor

…in fact it is the most important of all? These days, the desire for “self-expression” outweighs any concern for the characteristics of the site.

Make no mistake about it: while the current architectural landscape exhibits plenty of variety, true difference is absent. The variety of formal and conceptual expressions is designed to entertain the citizens, reducing them to mere spectators of dramatic gimmickry. It is a spuriously transgressive kind of variety, the mark of a mode of production at the mercy of the media whose coverage it seeks, with an almost total contempt for the true values of the


…des beaux-arts », on le retrouve dans l’analyse subtile que Robin Evans a consacrée aux « symétries paradoxales » du Pavillon de Barcelone. Mies aurait produit là une machine à tenir le monde à distance et à nous distraire de sa violence. Tous les aspects du Pavillon, sa structure, ses reflets, ses apparences travailleraient à offrir un moment de lévitation, un micro paysage où l’on puisse écrire autre chose que la chronique obsédante d’une barbarie en marche. Quant à Jorn Utzon enfin, Françoise Fromonot nous invite à lire son architecture comme l’élaboration d’idéogrammes transculturels engendrés à partir d’un petit viatique…


A selection of talks later published in Le Visiteur

All rights reserved. No part of those lectures, whether in their written or oral versions, may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior written permission of the Société Française des Architectes.

The Modern Elan

The Orphaned Word – Karim Basbous

The Unsettling Light – Francois Prodromidès

Domestic Paradise in an Urban Hell – Pierre Gencey

Defying the World – Pascal Q. Hofstein



Tanks to the subscription to Le visiteur, you can receive the actual issue and the two next for 55€ instead of 60€.


Le Visiteur is published by : la Société Française des Architectes (SFA) 247, rue Saint-Jacques 75005 Paris www.sfarchi.org

To contact the purchase department : achats@levisiteur.com Phone : +(33) 1 56 81 10 25

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…que la ville se fait ailleurs et autrement qu’on croit – on pense à Venturi, à Banham et à bien d’autres. Plus original en revanche était le scrupule de l’exposition à ne formuler aucune prescription au-delà de ce regard, comme si la seule attitude responsable en face de ce débordement, encore que hautement incertaine, était l’exploration des nouveaux territoires qu’il produit, et l’épreuve – voire l’exaspération – de notre perplexité même.

Rem Koolhaas, le principal inspirateur de Mutations, insiste souvent sur la démarcation nette qui séparerait son activité d’observation des phénomènes urbains contemporains, d’une part, et son activité d’architecte…